Event Facilities

Events in Schwarzenberg

Built out of fir and beech wood from the region, the hall conveys a warm, clear atmosphere in which you will feel completely at ease.
It is located on the upper floor of the elementary school and is connected to the Angelika Kauffmann Hall.
A wedding is a special day, and Schwarzenberg is a special place for such an occasion. Here, there is an atmosphere of romance devoid of any superficiality or kitsch.
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SCHWARZENBERG tourist office
Vorarlberg, Austria
Tel.:  +43 5512 3570
E-mail: info@schwarzenberg.at 

Opening times
Mo, Tue, Thu: 8:00 to 12:00 & 14:00 to 16:00
Fr: 8:00 to 12:00
Wednesday: closed

Extended opening times during the Schubertiade

Schwarzenberg Tourismus Schwarzenberg Tourismus Schwarzenberg Tourismus